Thursday, 31 March 2016

Logo Modernism

This fantastic new book by Jens Müller; 'Logo Modernism', recently caught my eye and is now at the top of my Christmas list! Published by Taschen the book features approximately 6000 trademarks/logo's, focusing on the forty-year period between 1940 to 1980.

Whist reading through the design press, this fantastic new book by Jens Müller; 'Logo Modernism', caught my eye and is now at the top of my Christmas list! 

Published by Taschen the book features approximately 6000 trademarks/logo's, focusing on the forty-year period between 1940 to 1980, a time where Paul Rand, Soul Bass and Massimo Vignelli were changing the industry with their modernist approach to corporate identity. The book is divided into three chapters; geometric, effect, and typographic and then broken down further into sub divisions for style and form. The book is set in three languages English, French and German and is available for pre-order through or the publisher Taschen, with the release date in November of this year.

todd Creative Director / Author

Todd Anderson is an award winning British designer currently based in Cape Town, developing innovative brand and packaging solutions with a variety of clients; partnering with some of the world's largest retailers, alongside nurturing smaller companies just starting out.

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